Friday, October 3, 2008


Yeah, I know. The title of my blog is also the title of the documentary of the same name. I dont know if how many of you are able to watch it (perhaps many of you since this documentary flick has been shown on Google video for free. Anyways, I hope some of you out there are not only able to watch it - but also be able to understand in full context what the film discusses about. One piece of advise: Make sure to keep an open mind as you watch the flick.

Zeitgeist was released last 2007 and since then, it provoked particular interest on the conspiracies in world economics, religion, and politics. Funny thing is - few people do know what are these particular conspiracy theories and where the heck they are saying. Again, my advise: just keep an open mind when you are going to watch this flick.

As an overview, the film discusses (and is divided into 3 parts) the myths surrounding Jesus, the 9/11 conspiracy and the behind the curtain or the men behind the current events of the world. The Jesus myth, according to the film itself is referring that Jesus is only a pliagiarized copy of the Egyptian god, Horus. This is because of the overwhelming similarities between them: 12 disciples, virgin birth, crucifixion, resurrection and bodily ascension. I know that most of you will find these blasphemous or heretical but spare this blog of all religious and dogmatic accusations. I kinda became quite interested with it since it was the first one that I encountered who made such claim. I don’t know where Peter Joseph (the producer of the film) got the idea and it could be needing further studies and discussions.

The 9/11 part of the flick is quite shocking. I mean seriously. I was really shocked to know that it discusses that the 9/11 attack is not an attack by terrorists but by the government itself. Why? and WTF? Its because they want to instigate a war in Afghanistan and Iraq, disrupting their societies and well, get their resources ala-Warcraft style. I find this part plausible since it has some kernel of truth in it.

The last and third part is more shocking: the men behind the curtain. These refers to the covert instigation and profiteering of banking families such as the rothschilds, morgans and rockefellers. According to the film, these families instigate financial turmoils and wars because these two endeavours are profitable - for them. They are also the ones who pushed for the one-world government, wherein they are the ones controlling us - no more nationalities, teritorial borders and countries.

Though the flick is quite mind-boggling and brings WTF in your brain, the problem that I see with this film is its lack of citations for the videos, published literature etc. Citations add credibility for a documentary. However, the director just missed that fact making Zeitgeist be placed as either plausible, heretical, false or could be the truth.

Again, as I have mentioned earlier, if you want to watch this flick via Google video, try to watch it with an open mind and suspend any initial judgment first. In that way, you will be able to appreciate the film in its whole context.

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