Thursday, October 9, 2008

Update: Saving Ratchet



An update on Ratchet.

An article about Ratchet submitted on Digg has reached (as of this moment) 6,658 diggs and 873 comments. This first article was submitted on October 6th and gained fast popularity. Here’s the link of the digg article for those of you who want to digg it:

Another Digg article is released regarding the updates on Ratchet’s plight. You can also digg it in this link:

As of now, there is another update on Ratchet coming from Here’s an excerpt:

As of Wednesday, Ratchet was in a convoy actually on the way to the airport. Some soldiers had volunteered to take him and drop him off with Baghdad Pups. When Gwen’s commanding officers found out about this, however, they stopped the convoy and confiscated Ratchet.

According to Stephanie from Baghdad Pups, this is unprecedented. Normally, Baghdad Pups has no problem taking dogs or cats away from war zones.

However, Gwen’s commanding officers refused to let Ratchet leave for some unknown reason. He does not have an official “job” on the base, so she was not taking him unlawfully. His ownership was also not under dispute. He is healthy, since he’s had all the vaccinations and medical checks that are necessary to take an animal into the United States.

At the moment, Ratchet is not being physically threatened. He is simply not allowed to leave. This is a big problem because Gwen leaves in October and the last chance Baghdad Pups has to get him out is October 15th. If Ratchet does not get out before she leaves, he w ill have to be abandoned and will face certain death.

In the words of Sgt. Gwen Beberg who was moved by the tremendous support by the people over and the rest of the blogosphere (and the internet as a whole):

I am sad beyond comprehension to have Ratchet back. I wanted him in the arms of my parents, not back in mine here.

I was exuberant when Ratchet drove away. I thought we’re pulled off a major feat. I instantly started dreaming about going home to my wagging-so-hard-his-body-wiggles dog…

…My plan for Ratchet is simple: take him home, train him as a service dog, and love him until his last day. Ratchet would be a valuable asset for troops back home. Who better to tell your troubles to than a dog who has been there, who won’t judge you, and who will love you unconditionally no matter what you had to do to survive?

Ratchet_young2Ratchet is first-line defense against PTSD and suicide. He has made me think twice about some seriously self-damaging actions several times. He really has helped me to survive….

…Thank you to all the outraged people speaking out about this travesty. I very sincerely hope that Ratchet is sitting in my yard when I finally go home. Thank you.

However, there are two problems in this scenario according to

ISSUE 1: Ratchet is not allowed to leave.

Since officers are refusing to let Ratchet go, he needs a military order to officially release him to leave Iraq.

ISSUE 2: Baghdad Pups needs donations to sponsor their upcoming trip to Iraq.

Ratchet was scheduled to leave on their October 6th flight. Their next flight is on October 15th, and Ratchet must be on it. Gwen will be shipping out later this month and Ratchet will have to be abandoned if he doesn’t leave before her.

Please support and help Baghdad Pups for Ratchet’s trip. If Ratchet will not be able to make it before Sgt. Gwen Beberg, he will be doomed to abadonment. Here’s the link for Baghdad Pups:

You can read the full update and Sgt. Beberg’s message of thanks in this link:

Aside from this, SPCA International released another press release . It states that 15 more animals were successfully rescued by the Baghdad Pups. It also states that there are 5 more soldiers also happen to share the same plight as Sgt. Gwen Beberg. It will be a great help to keep the drums beating for this information campaign, support and donate to SPCA and Baghdad Pups. For more details on this current SPCA article, here is the URL link:

You can also find their press contact at:

A petition for Ratchet’s clemency soon materialized. It was sponsored by M.A.R.S. Haven. Here is the link for the petition site:

You can create an account there and sign the petition for Ratchet’s clemency. This petition is also circulated in Digg as of now and you can also support it by simply digging it:

Not only it will support and save Ratchet but it will also create awareness about the Baghdad Pups organization. This great group helps the transport and logistics of befriended pets of the US soldiers in Iraq. It will be a great help too that you can support them too though your generous donations and active campaign. Here’s their link:

Please pass this blog too. Saving Ratchet will also open the doors in saving the other four-legged friends of the US soldiers in Iraq. These soldiers have served their country well and they do deserve proper treatment. Its great that they have these animals as their companions, saving them from PTSD, keeping their sanity while facing the dangers of combat in Iraq and risking their lives for their country. It is up to us, who are here in homes, in our own countries to support this effort of helping their four-legged friends reach US and arrive safe and sound in their homes. Kindly pass this blog to your friends, family and colleagues. Thanks for the support.

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